Posts Tagged 'Living Stones furniture'

To our favorite “Wild Thing”…

When I was the ripe age of six I received a wonderful book entitled Where the Wild Things Are.

I still have it. And inside is a note from my aunt, uncle and cousins calling me their favorite Wild Thing. Not far off, as I was quite a wild, opiniated child. Imagine that. I now own the book by Dave Eggers with the same title, have seen the film and have been inspired yet again by that young boy Max nearly 25 years later.

The way the Wild Things slept in piles reminds me that I am in this bizarre interim of my life. No longer a direct part of my original family unit, and waiting to create my own, I find my pile quite small. It’s pretty much me and my pillows. I have seen this concept of sleeping in piles being synonymous with love and comfort in another book called Look Me in the Eye, by John Elder Robison, brother of Augusten Burroughs. The author has Aspergers and talks in the book of needing to create piles around him in order to sleep well. Again reminding me of the comfort found in these piles.

In recent furniture searches I found this genius design called Living Stones, by Smarin.

living stones living room
livingstones-furniture sleepy
standing! living stones
livingstones-furniture jumpers!
livingstones-furniture chitlins

I mean seriously. Awesome, right? Everybody Pile UP!

My main men…